Библиография BELISHA PAPERS: R. J. Minney, The Private Papers of Hore-Belisha, London, 1960. BONNET: Georges Bonnet, Quai d'Orsay, Isle of Man. 1965. BURCKHARDT: C. J. Burckhardt, Meine Danziger Mission, DTV Docu-mente, Munich, 1962. BUSINESS OF WAR: Sir John Kennedy, The Business of War, edited with a preface by Bernard Ferguson, London, 1957. CHURCHILL: Winston S. Churchill, The Second World War, vol. I, London, 1948. CIANO DIARIES: Malcolm Muggeridge (editor): The Ciano Diaries, 1939–1943, London, 1947. COLVIN: Ian Colvin, Vansittart in Office, London, 1965. DBFP: Documents on British Foreign Policy, 1919–1939. Third Series: vol. IV, January 23—April 3, 1939, London, 1951; vol. V, April 4— June 7, 1939, London, 1952; vol. VI, June 8 — August 14, 1939, London, 1953; vol. VII, August 15—September 4, 1939. London, 1954. DIRKSEN PAPERS: Ministry of Foreign Affais of the USSR, Documents and Materials Relating to the Eve of the Second World War, vol. II (The Dirksen Papers), Moscow, 1948. FEILING: Keith Feiling, The Life of Neville Chamberlain, London, 1946. GAMELIN: General M. С Gamelin, Servir, Vols II & III, Paris, 1946 and 1947. GISEVIUS: H. B. Gisevius, To the Bitter End. London, 1948. HALDER: Franz Haider, Kriegstagebuch, vol. I, 14.8.1939—30.4.1940, Stuttgart, 1962. HALIFAX: The Earl of Birkennead, The Life of Lord Halifax, London. 1965. HITLER'S TABLE-TALK: H. R. Trevor-Roper (editor), Hitler's Table-Talk, 1941–1944, London. 1953. KEITEL: Walter Goerlitz, Keitel—Verbrecher oder Offizier, Goettin-gen, 1961. KIMCHE: Jon Kimche, Spying for Peace, London, 1961. LIDDELL HART: В. Н. Liddell Hart, Memoirs, vol. II, London, 1965. LOTHIAN: J. R. M. Butler, Lord Lothian (Philip Kerr), London, 1960. HANSTEIN: Erich von Manstein, Verlorene Siege, Bonn, 1955; English edition: Lost Victories, with a Forewood by Capt. В. Н. Liddell Hart, London, 1958. PERTINAX: Pertinax, Grave-diggers of France, New York, 1944. POLISH WHITE BOOK: Documents concerning Polish-German and Polish-Soviet Relations, 1933—9, London, 1939. SLESSOR: Sir John Slessor, The Central Blue, London, 1956. STEHLIN: Paul Stehlin, Auftrag in Berlin, Darmstadt 1965, original edition, Temoignage pour l'Histoire, Paris, 1964. STRATEGY: J. R. M. Butler (History of the Second World War), Grand Strategy, vol. II, September 1939—June 1941, London, 1957. TIMES: History of The Times, vol. IV, pt. II, 1921–1948, London, 1952. TRIAL OF MAJOR WAR CRIMINALS: International Military Tribunal, vols XV and XX, Nuremberg, 1948. WARLIMONT: Walter Warlimont, Im Hauptquartier der deutschen Wehrmacht, 1939–1945, Frankfurt am Main, 1962. WEIZSAEKER: Ernst von Weizsaeker, Erinnerungen, Munich, 1950. WESTPHAL: Siegfried Westphal, Heer in Fesseln, Bonn, 1950. |
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